Week of 5/28/2012

3 miles in 31:02/Split 10:17
Kamehameha Park. Ran in the late afternoon so it wasn't too hot...the problem was that I had ZERO energy. I need to lose some weight. I feel like I'm running with a tire around my waist :-/

I knew the soles of my shoes were worn but this is ridiculous! The rubber is paper thin on the left midsole (a possible cause of my stress fracture?). What a crazy wear pattern...left sole (outer midsole)...right sole (outer heel)! I immediately order a pair of New Balance 730's. I'm intrigued by the shoe's low 4mm drop (yea...no huge heel cushion) and the large toebox (something my wide feet need).
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3 miles in 31:07/Split 10:19
Kamehameha Park. Easy workout today running laps around the park (staying on the grass whenever possible). One more run until the new shoes come ;-)

4 miles in 40:49/Split 10:12
Pearl City Bike Path (Neal Blaisdell Park). Last run with the old shoes. There was some pain, in my left foot, and I tried to run as softly as possible. I paced myself behind another runner for the last 2 miles.

When I had started to run again in April (3 months after a stress fracture to my left foot), there was still pain. I was wondering, "What the hell is going on?!?!" Yes, the soles of my shoes were worn but I never looked at them very closely. Big mistake. Luckily, my foot is okay. In the future, I will pay closer attention to the wear pattern of my soles

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